From Piazza Venezia
the most beautiful itineraries of Rome

Tourist itineraries to discover the cultural and artistic beauties. Starting from Amazing Suite Rome flats, here are some of the walks or tourist itineraries Among the beauties of Rome that we suggest:

From Piazza Venezia to Colosseum Square

A walking tour to discover Ancient Rome, 1 day entire among the symbolic monuments of the Eternal City.

Amazing Suite Rome points

Flat in Via del Corso 287

Piazza Venezia - Vittoriano complex
(We recommend you take the panoramic elevators that go up to the top of
the Vittoriano complex where you can enjoy an exceptional view from the terrace).

Via del Teatro di Marcello

Campidoglio Steps (the smallest of Rome's seven hills)

Piazza del Campidoglio decorated with the famous twelve-pointed star of Michelangelo
at the centre of which you can admire the great statue on horseback, a perfect copy of the
monument to Emperor Marcus Aurelius

If you have some time, we suggest you visit the Capitoline Museums.

Via di San Pietro in Carcere where it is possible to appreciate the area of the Fori Imperiali
from above

Descending from the Campidoglio we find ourselves in Via dei Fori Imperiali which crosses one of the most important
world's most important archaeological sites, the Roman Forum.

Continuing on Via dei Fori Imperiali we arrive at the Colosseum with the Arch of
Constantine next to it, the most famous Roman triumphal arch. We recommend the purchase of the card "Roma Pass" to avoid long queues

From Piazza Venezia to St Peter's Square

A walking tour of Rome among squares, alleys and monuments to spend a whole day surrounded by the charm of the capital.

Amazing Suite Rome points

Flat in Piazza Venezia

Piazza Santissimi Apostoli - here you can visit the fantastic museum of Palazzo Colonna

Via dei Lucchesi - leads to the famous Trevi Fountain. Stop here to admire its marvellous
architecture and for the classic coin toss that, as tradition dictates,
will ensure your return to Rome.

Via delle Menatte and cross Via del Corso

Via di Pietra to the square of the same name to visit the great Temple of Hadrian

From Via dei Pastini we continue our stroll to Piazza della Rotonda where we
the imposing Pantheon.

Salita dei Crescenzi - turn left and reach Piazza Sant'Eustachio where we recommend a coffee break.
for coffee lovers, we recommend a stop at the coffee bar of the same name.

Palazzo Madama, currently the seat of the Senate of the Italian Republic

Piazza Navona, often crowded. Here and in the nearby streets, you will find a myriad of restaurants, pizzerias and ice-cream parlours where you can take a break.

Via di Sant'Agnese in Agone and Via di Tor Millina as far as the characteristic Caffè della

Through small alleys you will reach Via dei Coronari, nowadays known for the antique dealers
present along the street

Lungotevere - Ponte Sant'Angelo - Castel Sant'Angelo in all its grandeur. Here
visit the museum of the same name with the papal flats, an important collection
of ancient weapons of ancient weapons and the secret passageway that connects the castle with Vatican City,
often used by popes to escape from enemies.

Walk along Via della Conciliazione where there are many shops selling
religious items and souvenirs.

St. Peter's Basilica, symbol of Rome and Christianity. Among the various treasures of the
basilica include Bernini's majestic 29-metre-high bronze canopy,
Michelangelo's Pietà, Canova's tomb for Clement XIII and Giotto's mosaic of the
Navicella mosaic by Giotto.


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